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The importance of a professionally designed business logo.

The importance of a professionally designed business logo.

The importance of a Professionally Designed Logo. 

There are so many elements that encompass a start up of a small business. From the research phase, to the registration phase, right through to the ongoing operation of your business.

Obviously, it's expensive to start a business. Depending on your business, you will require capital for products and merchandise, products, manufacturing, leasehold agreements, insurances and more. One element which is commonly overlooked is a budget allocation for adequate professional branding.

Branding is so much more than a logo - it’s the way you communicate your business with your potential customers. It begins with a logo and flows into your marketing, advertising, website, social media platforms, products, product labelling, business personality, customer service, reputation and so much more. As you can see, branding is a MASSIVE part of your business, because it IS your business. Therefore, you MUST ensure that your branding is efficient, effective and is communicating your message correctly.

During the start up phase, we see so many new entrepreneurs ‘cut costs’ in brand development and follow a path which results in them designing their own logo or brand for their business.

Whilst I applaud their determination and creativity, there are some very important aspects to professional branding and designing a logo in particular which should be considered when you’re starting your new business.

Here are a few things to consider:

As mentioned, I have seen new entrepreneurs design their own logo, commonly on a Microsoft Application such as MS Word, Paint, or MS Illustrator or an online logo builder that allows them to download files for free or at a minor cost. Nearly all of us at one point have probably said something like “that logo is so simple, I could have done that”. But what most people don’t see is what goes in behind the scenes to create that ‘simple’ logo.

Format & Scalability

I have seen ‘DIY logo creators’ contact graphic designers or branding experts regarding expanding into additional branding/designing aspects such as business card and flyer design and print, signage, website, social and more. The most common problem is that the designer will be unable to work with supplied logo file as it will be incompatible with their design program.

Another common problem is that the file is not scalable. If you don’t have the correct tools to design your logo (creativity, elements, software etc), you will more likely than not struggle to scale your images and adapt them to various types of media such as print or web or signage. Before long, you’ll find yourself in a spot of bother where you will need to have your logo recreated professionally, which results in losing time, money and resources to do so. Therefore, you might be saving money in the short term, but in the long run it will cost you money.

For example, if your logo was designed on MS Paint, it will not be scalable into a workable vehicle or shopfront signage sizing. One day when you’re a millionaire and need to put your logo on a billboard, it just will not work.  

The quick fix solution for both of these problems is that the designer will need to convert your logo into correct file types (most of the time a full re-design), and resupply them to you which will almost always incur an additional fee, sometimes it may require a new logo being created. By having a professionally designed logo from the get go, you can supply your designer with correct file types, and the process will be extremely simple.

It’s not just a ‘simple’ logo

In a world where the minimalistic look is becoming more and more sought after, we can easily get caught in the trap of ‘I can do that’. A professionally designed logo also means that a lot more elements are added into your logo. Where a logo might look super simple to an untrained eye, designers put a lot of thought into each element such as colours, fonts, font sizing and more to contribute to your brand. Don’t forget, they are also using copious amounts of creativity to create a logo that will stand out from your competitors, not replicate another businesses logos, and meet your requirements and requests.

A graphic designer knows the feeling that different colours give to an audience. If you’re targeting toward a specific group of people, there might be a colour that they’ll associate with. Colours create trust, as does a professional looking logo design.


When potential customers are browsing online either on websites or social media platforms, a ‘DIY’ logo appears as a sign of a novice business. They stand out – and not in a good way. By implementing professional logo’s into your social media profile pictures and cover images, you are demonstrating that you are a professional business, who takes themselves seriously. As mentioned, it creates trust that your are legitimate and having professional branding from the get-go will accelerate your marketing efforts, which will in turn help your business grow quicker.

Online Logo Builders

So, what about an online, DIY logo making tool?

Premade logos available through an online tool or program seem like a great idea at the time (when you evaluate the cost) until you realise that anyone can purchase the same logo. Every business owner wants their brand to stand out from the crowd. Cutting corners in this way can be a disaster if you’re aiming high with your brand.

Why is a logo an investment?

As mentioned in point 2, so many elements make up a correctly executed logo. A good logo shouldn’t date, so you shouldn’t need to rebrand, at least for up to 10 years.

Once the designer provides you with draft logo ideas, your feedback is then implemented and resupplied for your final approval. Your logo is then supplied in various file formats for design, print, web and more.

Often, a designer will also a supply a Brand Style Guide or a Logo Style Guide to help you and other designers keep your branding consistent. It will detail different logo elements such as fonts, colours and more. Some designers may offer this for an additional fee, include it in your costs, or like us, offer this complimentary alongside your logo.

From here, your other branding and marketing material can be created based on your logo design.

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